Giving Back
to what matters
Trailhead Community was originally inspired by the success of Stepping Stone Support Center, a sister company established in 2013. The Support Center provides prevocational and life skills training, job placement, job coaching services, social events and community connection. It now serves more than 100 individuals with developmental disabilities to live meaningful and productive lives. With this success in one aspect, it became quickly evident that another important piece was missing for adults with developmental disabilities: Homes of their own!
Stepping Stone’s guiding principle is that adults with developmental disabilities have an amazing amount of potential. They just seldom have the opportunity to blossom. Perhaps you have had difficulty finding employment and have dreams of living independently. Maybe you are afraid that if you express yourself freely, you won't be taken seriously…. We want to put an end to these doubts and put the steps into motion that will make dreams a reality.
In 2012 Tiffany was a top 30 fundraiser for Denver’s Susan G. Komen race for the cure event. Her team was “Check your headlights” which raised over $5,000 for the cause. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the net money raised from the Race stays in the Denver Metropolitan Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s 19 county service area for breast health education, breast cancer screening and treatment programs. The remaining twenty-five percent (25%) goes into international and national breast cancer research.
The Young Life organization is a young adult ministry centered on bringing kids closer to Christ. They are focused on meeting kids wherever they may be in life, and create an adaptable atmosphere based on their needs to help guide them and support them in the way that Christ would. Andrew and his fiancé, Leah, have been leaders at Capernaum, which is a part of Young Life, that helps young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities reach Jesus and supports them through their daily lives. Capernaum is a biblical reference to a story of a paralytic man who was lowered down from the roof of a house by his friends to be healed by Jesus. All of the leaders at Capernaum want to be able to be supportive of our friends and let them know they are valued, just like in the story.
Creek Week started in 2014 when Colorado Springs members within the Fountain Creek Watershed District realized there was a major need for a community cleanup program. Witnessing the unsightly trash and debris negatively affecting the natural ecosystem and the species that call it home. What began as a small community effort has since blossomed into something extraordinary. Creek Week, a 9-day community improvement program, has grown to become the largest of its kind in the state. Point Consulting had the privilege to assist with the cleanup on the 10-year anniversary and intends on continuing to help in the future!